We all have unwanted, intrusive thoughts. A tiny smudge on the mirror that only you took notice? A picture hanging slightly askew that’s bothering
Hearing Voices – Doug Holmes
Imagine hearing someone call your name as you’re walking down the street, or having a song stuck in your head. To never be alone, even when you’re by
Blood Tests for Depression
Could a simple blood test detect the efficacy of antidepressants on those with depression? A new study suggests it’s a possibility. It has long been
Jenny Smith
One woman’s journey for change in mental health awareness Jenny Smith is a consumer advisor for her local health district and a mental health
Getting Hoarding in Order
It’s stories like that of Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury (Lifeline H2H) and its hoarding treatment program that show the passion and ingenuity of
Food for Thought
A new research project in Sydney is investigating whether the type of food we eat could prove to have an affect on our mental health. A team of
The Economics of Incarceration
Follow Up Story “When we talk about how Australia treats our criminals, often the discussion is about the niceties or otherwise of prison
God Help the Girl
“I read a book a day like an apple, But I did not eat. So the doctor came to me, He said a woman does not live, By the printed